sonic openings under pressure
Each of the ensemble members is experienced with & is able to facilitate learning situations involving a range of participants from advanced musicians to children to the general public. The style of communication in each setting is calibrated to the specifics of each circumstance & to the skills of the participants. A priority motivating each presentation is achieving the right balance of enthusiasm, challenge & sensitivity in order to open a learning process that continues well beyond the experience of the sessions. COMPOSITION Composition can be approached in terms of process, in terms of how motivation & intent determine technique & structure. Composition can also be explored in terms of its social structure. The ensemble can present in detail structures & processes involved with brennan's compostions. Compositions can also be directed toward student ensembles, or assistance & feedback can be offered to student composers in their own work as well. IMPROVISATIONAL SKILLS Improvisational Skills can involve methods of concentration, ear training with both pitch & rhythm, theory, reflex training, understanding of ensemble dynamics & functions as well as explorations of the interrealtionship between composition & improvisation. INSTRUMENTAL SKILLS & RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT These are musicians with decades of experience & experiment & discipline. In particular, David Pleasant's developments in percussion are highly innovative & fertile in terms of future exploration. See David Pleasant's Riddimic Exercise book JAZZ HISTORY This whole page is still under construction....