SUNDAY, December 7, 2008 -- 3pm
David Pleasant:


The codification of repetition, as observed by R.F. Thompson* and others, may reveal something quite different. Western interpretations of repetition involve replication; and supposed that variance from the perfect copy is an interruption of flow and expectation. Regularity in tone, without break and interruption in flow, is a singular option. It alone epitomizes profound beauty; such as Bel Canto. So-named repetition in African form may be a bit different. The exact duplication of anything is quite rare. Rhythms that appear to repeat may serve at least 2 perspectives in cosmological condition.

1) Repetition may be a reminder of the constancy and/or infinity of being.

2) It may indicate gradations in time, moment/condition that are parts of beat, time, and/or rhythm.

Those events may indicate syncopation in and of time that are a fractal rendering of the moment. In either case, the events respond less like clones and reflex more like siblings. The repetition is different than a clock-like pattern of equidistant, even, symmetrical mark. Repetition is a resonant quality of syncopated, poly-metric, polyrhythmic dimension. It is not a frame for pulse. It is an expressionistic quality of condition beyond replication, and quantized contrivance. In this sense, it is not repetition at all. It is rhythm or time that is harmonized.

A consideration of embellishment, strum speed, intent, and intensity reveals a few relevant details. For example: The strum speed of a guitar used to land a chord on the downbeat of a 70 beat per minute pulse has to occur at a rate per/beat faster that 70bpm. The player must compress speed when he strikes the six successive strings. A quantized treatment often obliterates the unique shape that individual players offer to each beat. Quantized treatment makes all downbeats uniform and perfect. That goes for the single player as well as sets of instruments. The character of each beat is in effect cloned. Each beat would otherwise be a rhythm chord. The loci of intent and intensity are deflected. The peculiar contingencies of their expression a re rendered incidental, trivial, or irrelevant. This is a clear example of repetition. Uneven, imperfect, flexible, asymmetric currents are a reservoir of conditional output. The condition illustrates a shape or characteristic of actual expression that overlays the uniformity of pulse. The ambiance created by collective imperfection creates a parallel hub for expression. Presumed repetition is actually syncopation. It is a fractal exposition of the moment that engages larger issues of material content in eternal resonance. Resonance is an independent, non-entropic activity; unlike repetition or duplication. Rhythm engages investigation, modification, and exploration. Quantization, either virtual or en vivo, limits or constrains the ambient potential of rhythm. The succinct framing of pulse removes cyclical elements of polyrhythm, resonance, and syncopation inherent in semantic rhythmic practice. It optimizes a “pure tone/ Bel Canto” approach to rhythm that supplants multiple temporal elements: harmonic rhythms or rhythms that go together. The multiple elements crowd, interrupt, cloud, or busy the otherwise single pure line.

The guitar is syncopated by default. The end strum note is always an odd or weak beat, yet, it is placed as the strong beat or down beat. The compression or decompression of those notes into a downbeat lends character to time. They exist on the mark, before the mark, after the mark and sometimes in the mark. The same situation can happen with other instruments or with sets of drums. The fat, tall, short, wide, skinny brother or sister is a family member irrespective of their lack of symmetry. They are not clones of one another. The term repetition and/or its consideration as a revision of pattern may be inappropriate and incomplete. Other considerations may allow time/rhythm to exist in an elliptical rather than circular situation. The forces available in that irregularity or asymmetry vary, yet, the constancy of them as a whole endures.

©2008 David Pleasant





The placement of syncopated rhythm within pulse, such as that of Ragtime or more sophisticated forms, seems to contradict conventional ideals of precision. The replication or duplication of mark or the symmetrical framing of pulse characterizes precision. A reliance on this as a primary indicator of quality may be an overestimation of optimal value and/or an oversight of other relevant issues. Syncopation and rhythm have the capacity to radically realign balance and proportion.

Precision, as indicated by uniform, regimented action, may actually undermine peculiar harmonic tendencies available in syncopation. Those tendencies may appreciate fractal *organization. They concern qualities that are outside of purely structural boundaries and exist as a harmony of events. They occur with or with out binary counterpoint or smooth Euclidian arrangements. They involve layers of rhythmic information that are in fact counter-intuitive; that is, other than rhythmic flow that is symmetrical; or cloned space/time that guarantees expected placement and/or outcome. The events may involve multiple elliptical arrangements such that equidistant value is only one of many levels of qualification. The delivery of structure as intelligible, predictive current isolates only a portion of a greater coherent incident. It eliminates certain harmonic rhythmic material that escapes intuition: renditions of consonant, symmetrical order.

Precision may have a different meaning when vaporous structure is engaged. The incidence of preselected, in-line mark can be induced with choreographed action.

Predictive action is calculated and expected to occur in an established arc. A lack of precision is commonly indicated when those actions/events do not line-up. Syncopation and polyrhythm qualify the value of things that do not line-up. The meaning and intent inherent in them comes from the value of the spaces as they do not line-up, and also the changes in state or gravitation that accompany them. Rhythm exists as "solid, liquid, gas, and plasma" both with in and with out "gravity".
Rhythm, pattern, order, expectation, etc. must respect the polymorphic qualities of space and time. The treatment of rhythm as a solid only may limit a variety of expressive dividends. The framing of time/rhythm as neat Euclidean packages tends to overestimate the value of containment. Syncopation and polyrhythm elevate fractal-like tendencies in space and time that allow for plasma or vaporous perceptions of rhythm. Conventional applications of rhythm use it as a frame for pulse of which estimation and expectation of mark qualify value and/or precision.

Conventional treatment makes the containment of stuff a primary focus. Transitional or vaporous structure begs an engagement of the actual stuff. It explores the substance of space and matter rather than the means used to contain it. It lessens focus on containment as a replicable optimal value.

When the "state or "gravity" of rhythm changes, so too must expectations of mark and precision with in those structures. Syncopation may invite rhythms or meters to liquefy or evaporate; to freeze or contract. It suggests an acceptance of elliptical references for rhythm that parallel circular clock time, equidistant markers. It exists with out correction or purification.

Events and rests may occur in the same space with equal subjective potential. They may also happen as a simultaneous option in a single player. The player may both play the event and feel the rest at the same instant.

An assumed absence of space does little to acknowledge the presence of interstitial, dimensional, or cumulative space. Space does exist when on the surface, particularly the smooth surface, there seems to be none. The catch is that surfaces are indeed rough. This is the inherent illumination of syncopation and polyrhythm. The illusion of even flowing smooth surface erases interstitial potential and minimizes the fractal capacity of time/rhythm. Syncopation suggests the proportionate value of resonance and simultaneous activity: and sometimes the simultaneous presence of stress and release as complimentary harmonic activity. It also suggests that resonance is a non-entropic regenerative condition: an harmonic resource of combinative, interwoven activities with various states and gravities that sustain themselves.

Inductive form uses flow, regularity, duplication, quantization, regimentation, etc. to suggest solidity, contiguity, and symmetry. Line is smoothed out to insure pure, unmitigated flow. Syncopation is viewed as an interruption of flow. The above idea exposes syncopation as a catalyst for interstitial space. The normalization of uninterrupted symmetry may be an illusion given the variety of interstitial values in rhythm/syncopation/polyrhythm/time. Plenty of space is always available; and is rife to be filled. The observer must be aware of the capacity of the moment to absorb extra-linear content that is harmonic. Resonant stuff and novel events are compatible harmonic contingencies. They go with one another in a way that maximizes the potential of condition and meaning. Resonance and flow are enhanced by this situation. The harmonized structure expands time as opposed to crowding it. Parallel materials dance together rather than oppose one another. An understanding of this allows for conceptual and perceptual vision that places little emphasis on the isolation of mark. The power of meaning may indeed bypass syntax and supplant direction in the moment altogether. The idea of mark as a sole indication of precision may recede in to a mist of collective involvement that creates as much pace as it appears to fill.

* Fractal : any of various extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part is similar in shape to a given larger or smaller part when magnified or reduced to the same size.

©2008 David Pleasant